HackMol 4.0

HackMol 4.0


Hacking for a better future

What is Hackmol

HackMOL is the flagship annual 30-hour
hackathon being organized by Google Developer
Student Club (GDSC) of NIT Jalandhar wherein
young coders & developers from all over the
country join together to build projects & solutions
to the alarming problems of the region & the world.
It is organized at the end of Month of Learning
(MOL), a series of workshops & seminars focused
and centered around the latest technologies.

Over the years HackMOL has established itself as
the Biggest Hackathon of Punjab with a awe-inspiring
attendance of over 700+, 1100+ & 1300+
hackers in successive editions but this year
HackMOL has advanced to another level by serving
as the premier and the opening event of Techniti (the
annual Tech Fest of NIT Jalandhar) with
anticipation of over 2000+ hackers joining us

We are excited to announce our upcoming hackathon in Hybrid Mode designed for beginners with a passion for innovation and sustainability. Our event will feature multiple themes, allowing participants to submit their ideas in the given PPT format and showcase their creativity offline in NITJ.

Structure of Hackathon

The Hackathon is going to be conducted to two Phases

Round 1

The participants are required to come up with an idea and submit the PPT on the Devfolio Platform.
The selected student would be given the Invitation to join Round 2 taking Place offline at NIT Jalandhar.

PPT Format Link

PPT format

Timeline for the Round 1

  1. Registration Starts : 14 January 2023
  2. Last Date for Team Registration : 5th February 2023
  3. Last date for PPT submission : 10th February
  4. Round 1 Results : 15th February

Round 2

The invited teams are required to come up with the working prototypes of their project within 48 hours from the moment Hackathon starts.

Timeline for Round 2

  1. Round 2 Registration : TBA
  2. Hackathon Kickoff : 25th February 2023
  3. Hackathon Ends : 26th February 2023

Facilities Provided for Offline Hackathon

  1. Full-night stay with proper bedding
  2. Internet Facility 24/7
  3. Proper temperature-controlled rooms.
  4. Food and Refreshment for the whole Hackathon period

Themes you can choose from

(but not limited to the following)

  1. Green Technology
  2. Blockchain/Decentralized app(Dapp) Development (Web3)
  3. Agriculture and Rural Development
  4. MedTech/Healthcare
  5. Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence
  6. Smart Education
  7. CyberSecurity
  8. Internet of Things (IoT)
    OPEN INNOVATION IDEAS in software or hardware for a better future ahead! (Beginner Friendly)


  1. Allowed Team Size : 1-4
    Team Size of 1-5 was create by mistake, forgive us


Follow the Code of Conduct.

Find us on

Hacking for a better future

Runs from

Feb 25 - 26, 2023


Jalandhar, India


About 2 years ago

What is Hackmol

HackMOL is the flagship annual 30-hour
hackathon being organized by Google Developer
Student Club (GDSC) of NIT Jalandhar wherein
young coders & developers from all over the
country join together to build projects & solutions
to the alarming problems of the region & the world.
It is organized at the end of Month of Learning
(MOL), a series of workshops & seminars focused
and centered around the latest technologies.

Over the years HackMOL has established itself as
the Biggest Hackathon of Punjab with a awe-inspiring
attendance of over 700+, 1100+ & 1300+
hackers in successive editions but this year
HackMOL has advanced to another level by serving
as the premier and the opening event of Techniti (the
annual Tech Fest of NIT Jalandhar) with
anticipation of over 2000+ hackers joining us

We are excited to announce our upcoming hackathon in Hybrid Mode designed for beginners with a passion for innovation and sustainability. Our event will feature multiple themes, allowing participants to submit their ideas in the given PPT format and showcase their creativity offline in NITJ.

Structure of Hackathon

The Hackathon is going to be conducted to two Phases

Round 1

The participants are required to come up with an idea and submit the PPT on the Devfolio Platform.
The selected student would be given the Invitation to join Round 2 taking Place offline at NIT Jalandhar.

PPT Format Link

PPT format

Timeline for the Round 1

  1. Registration Starts : 14 January 2023
  2. Last Date for Team Registration : 5th February 2023
  3. Last date for PPT submission : 10th February
  4. Round 1 Results : 15th February

Round 2

The invited teams are required to come up with the working prototypes of their project within 48 hours from the moment Hackathon starts.

Timeline for Round 2

  1. Round 2 Registration : TBA
  2. Hackathon Kickoff : 25th February 2023
  3. Hackathon Ends : 26th February 2023

Facilities Provided for Offline Hackathon

  1. Full-night stay with proper bedding
  2. Internet Facility 24/7
  3. Proper temperature-controlled rooms.
  4. Food and Refreshment for the whole Hackathon period

Themes you can choose from

(but not limited to the following)

  1. Green Technology
  2. Blockchain/Decentralized app(Dapp) Development (Web3)
  3. Agriculture and Rural Development
  4. MedTech/Healthcare
  5. Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence
  6. Smart Education
  7. CyberSecurity
  8. Internet of Things (IoT)
    OPEN INNOVATION IDEAS in software or hardware for a better future ahead! (Beginner Friendly)


  1. Allowed Team Size : 1-4
    Team Size of 1-5 was create by mistake, forgive us

Find us on


Available in Prizes


Available in Prizes








The Product HouseEcho 3dInterviewBuddyGive My CertificateThreeway StudioO'Reilly MediaStreamYard








The Product HouseEcho 3dInterviewBuddyGive My CertificateThreeway StudioO'Reilly MediaStreamYard


Team size

1 - 4

Registration costs?


Team size

1 - 4

Registration costs?


Got more questions? Reach out to [email protected]


Team size

1 - 4

Registration costs?


Team size

1 - 4

Registration costs?


Got more questions? Reach out to [email protected]

Hacker reviews


No reviews for this rating yet.

Hacker feedback


No Restrictions

+1000 participating



Starts 21/03/25


No Restrictions

+100 participating



Starts 11/07/25




No Restrictions

+1000 participating



Starts 23/04/25


No Restrictions



Starts 26/05/25